Ivies • A-F
More ivies to be added from time to time.
Descriptions are courtesy of Hedera etc.
All Images ©2014 Rachel Cobb
See Media page for details.

Hedera hibernica ‘Albany’
Hedera helix 'Alten Brucken'(V, I) This German-1983. One must see this ivy in early spring,when the new growth comes out to truly appreciate it. Leaves three to barely five lobed with a cordate base, and an elon.
Hedera helix 'Alpha'
Hedera helix 'Amber Waves' (V, I) Medium-sized leaves with three to five lobes. Younger leaves are chartreuse to yellow, maturing to all-green. Holds yellow color better in shade than other yellow-leaved ivies.
Hedera helix 'Ambrosia'
Hedera pastuchovii 'Ann Ala'
Hedera helix 'Anita' (M, BF) Small, dark green 'Ritterkreuz'- like leaves - with lobes widest in the middle that fold slightlyupward while tips curve downward. Strongly self-branching, compact plant, but slow to make long runners. Ivy of the Year 2006
Image Two
Hedera helix ‘Appaloosa'
Hedera helix 'Arapaho'
Hedera hibernica ‘Aracena'
Hedera algeriensis 'Argyle Street'
Hedera helix 'Asterisk' (BF) Five to seven narrow lobes,self-branching. As the name implies the leaves are asterisk like.
Image Two
Hedera helix 'Baden-Baden'
Hedera helix 'Ballet' (V) Small oval leaves, almost the shape of ballet shoes. Grey green centre cream edge.
Hedera helix 'Bettina'
Hedera helix 'Beryl’s Honor'
Hedera hibernica 'Betty Allen'
Hedera hibernica 'Big Deal'
Hedera hibernica 'Bill Archer'
Hedera helix 'Boskoop' (C, F) This sport of 'Green Ripple', has small, dark green, shiny leaves. One to three-lobed, diamond-shaped, with a frilled edge.
Hedera algeriensis 'Bowles Ox Heart'
Hedera algeriensis 'Brawny'
Hedera helix 'Brimstone'
Hedera helix 'Brokamp'
Hedera helix 'Caecilia'
Hedera colchica
Hedera helix 'Calico'
Hedera helix ‘California’
Hedera helix 'California Fan' (F, C) Leaves with 5 to 7 forward-pointing, shallow but broad lobes of similar size with a curl in sinus between the lobes. Leaf bases strongly wedge-shaped. Veins conspicuous.
Hedera helix ‘California Gold’
Hedera canariensis
Hedera helix ‘Carolina Crinkle’
Hedera helix 'Celebrity' (V) Traditionally shaped ivy leaves that have a dark green and grey green centre and a broad cream margin which darkens to lime green with age.
Hedera colchica 'Chakvi'
Hedera helix 'Clotted Cream'
Hedera helix 'Chalice'
Hedera helix 'Cockleshell' (F) Circular leaves with broad forward-pointing lobes which cup upward in new growth and downward in older leaves.
Hedera helix 'Congesta' (O) Upright plant with stout stems and sharply triangular leaves that are folded upward. New growth with flattened stems.
Hedera cypria 'Coon Hollow'
Hedera helix 'Cora'
Hedera rhombea 'Crème de Menthe'
Hedera helix 'Crinolette'
Hedera helix 'Curly Locks'
Hedera helix 'Curvaceous'
Hedera helix 'Duck Foot' (M, BF) Leaves small, with three rounded lobes. Compact and self-branching plant.
Ivy of the Year 2004
Hedera helix 'Dragon Claw' (C) Large leaves with broad lobes and tightly fluted marges.
Hedera helix 'Elegantissima' (V) Leaves sharply three-lobed,with a wide,white margin,and a green-gray center. Margin of leaf has a pink tint which become more intense during cool temperatures.
Hedera helix 'Eva' (V, BF) One of the 'Variegated Needlepoint' ivies of the trade. Leaves with three forward pointing lobes, terminal lobe up to twice the length of laterals. Variegation a gray-green, irregular center with a creamy-white margin. Needs good light for best variegation.
Ivy of the year 2009
Hedera helix 'Fantasia' (V) White and green speckled leaves with conspicuous white markings on the main veins.
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